Located in South America, Brazil is the largest economy in the region. As such, the country represents an extremely fascinating hub for adopting Industry 4.0 methods, in particular Artificial Intelligence (AI). Under the leadership of Marcos Pontes, Brazil’s current minister of science, technology, innovation, and communications, the country is emerging as a World Class AI Innovation Hub. According to Oxford Insights’ AI Readiness Index 2019 [1], Brazil was ranked 40 out of 192 countries that are ready to take up the opportunities in AI.

Bnamericas [2] reports that the Brazilian telecom operator Oi has achieved a remarkable reduction in operational costs thanks to virtual assistant powered by AI. Additionally, through the use of AI, it has highly accelerated production, quality control, overall equipment effectiveness, and as well as optimizing the supply chain and predictive maintenance. Another great example is the Mercedes-Benz manufacturing plant in Brazil that turned to AI in supporting the production of a range of trucks and buses in the country, according to an automotive industry portal Marklines [3].

Furthermore, with the help of AI in the supply chain, organizing and analyzing relevant data to enhance decision-making problems, ranging from logistics to warehousing has been made very easy and is expected to result in a great improvement in efficiency and time-saving. A broad range of companies in Brazil have adopted AI to optimize their supply chain in manufacturing and improve their services. 

Also, Technomar Engineering Ltd [4] uses AI to provide real-time asset information and predict failures while reducing operating costs. And finally, we would like to mention dLieve Logistics Technology [5] that is utilizing AI to improve the delivery and service management systems. Their system encompasses automatically informing customers by SMS and email about routing and arrival time.

The increased innovation from AI, and the dynamism that it brings to the workforce will benefit not only the manufacturing industry in Brazil but, in the long term, the broader economic and social fabric of the country will also benefit.


[1] https://www.oxfordinsights.com/ai-readiness2019

[2] https://www.bnamericas.com/en/news/oi-doubles-down-on-ai-to-accelerate-cost-cutting

[3] https://www.marklines.com/en/news/242704 

[4] https://www.technomar.com.br/?lang=en

[5] https://vtex.com/br-pt/tracking/